Contingent upon the nature and area of your business and your individual needs, an armed security guard in California may be necessary to give a demonstration of power, which can be an important deterrent to crime.
Any armed security guard in the State of California must have a Firearm Permit required by the California BUREAU OF SECURITY AND INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES.
Every One of Alliance Guard armed security guards in Los Angeles, CA completes this firearm training and maintains their certification, but we require our armed security guards to complete additional training in making critical snap decisions. Knowing how to resolve conflict without the use of force is just as important as being prepared to use a firearm, and Alliance Guard Security Guard Service goes to great lengths to ensure that their licensed security guards know the difference. Our attentive and comprehensive training and screening process has placed us firmly among the elite of Los Angeles security companies. Hire us if you are looking for armed security services in southern California.
In more dangerous scenarios, however, an armed individual is required. Armed guard security services may be required to defend businesses and buildings that target attacks or theft. Buildings that are vulnerable to terrorist assaults and organizations with a poor security presence fall into this category. An armed guard security company is particularly beneficial in areas where theft and burglary are prevalent. Department stores, financial institutions, rare vintage shops, high-end art galleries, and investment firms are examples of organizations that use armed guard security services in California.
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Fully Licenced, Insured and Bonded, State License# PPO 121808
24/7 Armed & Unarmed Security Guards